プロセスアプリケーションで複数成分を極低 ppm レベルまで精密に分析
プロセスで単一成分の連続分析、複数の成分の同時測定、あるいは規制適合のための排ガスレベルの監視をお客様が必要とする場合にも、Rosemount 連続ガス分析計は、プロセスガスの精密で信頼性のある連続分析を低レベルの ppm まで提供します。
Optimize product quality control and emissions monitoring using the world's only hybrid gas analyzers that combine Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) and Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) technologies to expand gas sensing to both the near- and mid-infrared range for faster, enhanced process insights.
Ensure measurement accuracy and fast response time while reducing costs and operational complexity with highly selective and sensitive detection of multiple gas components simultaneously and in real-time using one instrument.